Having been stripped of my innocence by our stand-up comedian landlord, I happily bounded in the direction of splishy-splashy, and looked forward to saying "hello" to Trolly. Trolly lives betwixt pub and Steven (Stephen? i am not sure), and has often played a part in post public house mayhem. Although he does has a tendancy to inflict blood, as Jon's Knees and Chloe's elbows can testify.
Well, I craned my neck around the corner in anticipation of seeing Trolley, but instead my eye fell on a large glob of foam.
Where was Trolley?
He had been replaced by a verminous young man and his lady friend. Said couple were looking rather worse for wear, what with his foaming mouth and her wandering eye. It was rather a surprise, for my companions and I, to find ourselves looking at this, frankly, unattractive pair, and not at Trolley.
But fret not dear reader! This hardly stopped our splishy-splashy, blood-spilling fun that we hold so dear of a Friday!
The unusual young man wanted to have fun at the end of his hard-working week too, and obliged one of my companions with a swift fist in the face. But the ladies were not to be left out either, oh no! There was something for everyone on this night! The gentleman's companion invited a lady member of our happy party to a touch of feminine hair-pulling and throat-grabbing.
After this, the evening was a blur of abandon, everyone taking their turn at this delightful pass-time. The lovely couple were even so generous as to invite along some of their well-rounded friends and family members, to prolong all the fun. There was so many people to kick, shove, haul across curbstones and punch in the face, we could have gone on all night!
However, sadly, all good things must come to an end, and, Trolley (thankfully) forgotten, we skipped off home to drink tea and relax in the falsetto voices of mice.