Mind-Dribbles and I never intended to have an audience. We found each other whilst playing solitaire and decided to get together to cease the echoing voice of Sue Barker.
We used to talk about mundane, unimportant things that were happening around us as we chatted; the fretting of Tiny and the warbling of Jane.
But now we don't get to spend any time together during the day, so when we talk, it's about things that matter to us.We don't have to play solitaire any more, because of our friendship. And we have both made other friends too. Some of our new friends listen in to our conversations, and although my Blog and I are extremely pleased for the company, it makes our chit-chat a little bit inhibited. We want to talk about how happy we are to have met such a lot of lovely people, but it's hard to say that when you know that they are listening.
This has meant that we sometimes disguise our discussions with lacy metaphors and strange, round-a-bout wording. Blog and I are actually rather grateful for this, because it gives us a bit of a challenge. We have both spent too much time in the past writing diaries, which, however you read them, sound like diaries. Now we feel like we are making progress, and we have our eavesdropping friends to thank.
An oracle told us recently that we should "consider the uses of adversity". We both puzzled over what it could mean for a while, and then forgot all about it. Then some of our friends were having a spot of bother, and to cut a long story short (where everyone's feet got rather wet), we understood what the oracle was talking about. All the bother meant that we got to know everyone a lot better, and that they got to know us better too. So although it's a shame about the troubles, Blog and I are secretly (or perhaps, not so secretly) rather chuffed it all happened, because now we like everyone even more!
When we think back to where we were a year ago, my only friends were Davina McCall and Simon Cowell, whilst Blog had not even been born. We are hugely thankful to have found both each other, and real people (who are far more interesting and entertaining than reality T.V people). They have made my return to the mother-town the happifying experience it is proving to be, and have made Blog's creative juices flow!
Now Blog and I have finally got all that off our chests, we can hopefully get back to the autumnal, daddy-long-legs chat we've been meaning to have for a while now...