Friday, 6 October 2006

Daddy Longlegs

Diptera Tipulidae

*Diptera is the order which also encompasses flies

*Females posses an OVIPOSITOR

*Larvae pupate during winter in soil and emerge in spring, reaching maturity in early autumn

*Larvae are known as "Leatherjackets"

*Larvae feed on decaying vegetation, fungi and roots

*There is some debate as to whether adults feed at all. If they do, it seems as if they feed on nectar

*In 1968, renowned Tipulidae expert, B.E.Freeman studied the species at Matley Bog, in the New Forest

*Common Names for the species are:

  • Daddy Longlegs
  • Lollygaggers
  • Gollywhoppers
  • Gallinippers
  • Doizabizzlers
  • Chicken Flies
  • Jimmy Spinners
  • Skeeter Eaters
  • Flipadoodles