Ah! The bittersweet turmoil of suppressed thought-exposure. How free and easy is life when one can speak out in the dark with no-one to hear! Yet, how lonely and blue...ah me!
How we yearn for a voice to answer us from the darkness of our despair, but how we tremb

Oh! We are but maggots, writhing on the satsuma we call existence, and perhaps...Yes, just maybe...We will all become green and blue-bottles. But oh! Alas! Only after our bodies have scorched under the sun's hellish gaze for aeons.
And then?
We will FLY! Fly, my pretties! How we will soar through the clouds of death! On, and on, ON! Ever onward! Until...
"WAIT! You there! Watch out for that swooping bat! Don't let your blue-bottle soul become a morsel for that furry prince of the night!"
"Oh! Doom! Oh! Despair! Have mercy, I beg of you, Oh! How I beg!"
"But wait!...What? What's that I hear you say? Can it be true, that this...this bat is kindly?
Oh! Joy! Oh! Sweet, sweet relief!"
The furry death-bat will get us all, in the end. He will devour us with the dripping jaws of childhood nightmares.
As he excretes your exhausted carcass upon the sleeping meadows beneath his erratic flight path...You will understand.
Yes! You, YOU will hit the sodden earth with a sickening THUD. Stripped of flesh, and dignity , your crunchy little fly-skeleton will eventually disintegrate beneath foot-of-cow and torrent-of-rain.
THEN, ah yes! Only then... As you have no choice but to absorb yourself into the slime of the earth from whence we ALL came... Only then, will you finally face The Truth, look Him straight in the eyeball, and say...
This blogtastic article was brought to you under the influence of pure, deranged, mind-dribbles. It bears no relevance too the past, present, or possible future.