It has been raining in a Devonshire field all night long, onto, and into, the tents of grubby festival-lovers slumbering in their canvas cathedrals below. They arise to find the grassy slopes transformed into mud pits. With only a sausage and an otter to comfort them, they think "Fuck it!" and skip their way to the front of the main-stage, where the clay-like mud has been whipped into a thick, creamy substance that bubbles and explodes under the rabble of be-wellied feet,stomping to regurgitated jigs.
Everyone looks rough. The revellers all sport sleep encrusted, baggy eyes, greasy, tent-hair, and grimy, sweaty skin, all swathed in the aroma of other people's faeces.
But amongst them, is a Goddess.
With low slung trousers that emphasise womanly curves, cascades of curls, a top that strategically reveals an ornate tattoo upon a bronzed back and a bottle of rum in one hand, all men's eyes are drawn towards her. She unconvincingly pretends not to notice, and giggles with glee as a soldier-type tries to engage her in a mud-wrestle. His friend wants a piece of the action too, and joins in. Soon, there is a whole group of men trying to wrestle the Goddess into the mud. She continues to swig her rum whilst giving as good as she gets, and smiles alluringly at each of her suitors as she pushes them to the bubbling, orange-brown depths below.
Now the centre of attention, she half-heartedly tries to invite her previously unseen friends into the fray. One boasts glitter-daubed eyeballs, blonde pigtails, a leopard-print fur-coat and a bottle of rum in one hand. The other is rather nondescript, with no bottle of rum in either hand. Leopard Girl laughs and slugs back more rum, Nondescript Girl does something nondescript, but neither opt to join the Goddess and her cluster of men.
Sometime later, and the heady music continues to swirl into the drizzly afternoon. The serious music lovers, standing back from the maniacal dancing contingent, have to dive for cover as the Goddess is dragged by her ankles through the crowd by a group of her admirers. Still clutching the now empty bottle of rum, head thrown back in drunken abandon, curls and ass leaving grooves in the orange-brown goop beneath her nubile body, she is oblivious to all. She does not even notice Leopard Girl stumbling through the crowd, heavily supported by Nondescript Girl, presumably tent-ward to vomit.
Not long after, an innocent young lad, enjoying his first festival, is sitting on a precarious bench outside the otter tent. He self-consciously rolls a cigarette and tries to look like he is comfortable in his surroundings. The effect is somewhat ruined as a mud-monster, wearing only a pair of orange-brown knickers and an orange-brown top revealing an ornate tattoo on it's orange-brown back, lurches from the nearby crowd towards him. The monster stumbles in his direction and grabs his face. Orange-brown hands smear goop all over his cheeks as the monster thrusts its mouth to his, ramming a rum-infested tongue down his throat.
The lad tries to retain his cool by fumbling with his tobacco and blushing furiously, the monster cackles with rabid glee and trudges up the hill presumably tent-ward to vomit.