I have now informed Tiny that I am leaving, and he has been very tight-lipped about it. He said:
"...It's not a problem........Really...Don't worry about it....It's cool...........Not a problem....."
I know from having no choice but to listen in to his phone calls, that "it's not a problem" (which is such an oft-used phrase of his, that it should be tattooed on his forehead), is actually Tiny-speak for "PANIC!".
Despite his proclamations of not being stressed, he has hardly spoken to me since,not even to ask me what I am leaving to do instead! He has spent the larger part of the morning in the room next door, talking in hushed tones with the others. I had to venture into that den of discontent to ask him about an invoice, and caught him having what he describes as "a moment" out on the balcony. This involves looking pained, and running hands through hair a lot. When interrupted, the response was a paradoxical "Cool", spoken from between lips that were almost white with tension.
I do feel very guilty for adding to his already intolerable stress-levels, and because I know he takes things very personally. I'm sure that I have now been added to the long list of people who have betrayed him. I think, as a person, he's a sweet guy, but he has been mis-cast in the role of Office Manager. He has the opportunity to play a far greater role, Cannes and Hollywood come calling regularly for his film scripts. He is in demand from a far more interesting world, but for some reason, (unknown even to himself as far as I can tell), he would rather be here stressing about deliveries of water-proof cushion covers for the infirm.
I am sure that part of his coolness towards my leaving is because it makes it all the more difficult for him to leave. There are only three admin monkeys in this department. Tiny, myself and Jabbering-Jane. I have already discussed Tiny at great length, and I am leaving, so maybe it's time to introduce Jabbering-Jane...