The cuckoo has flown the nest, spread her wings and soared 10 minutes along the well-trodden road. She has been welcomed to "paradise" (whose name is Stephen), and raised her piratical bEAD curtain as salute.
She has experienced the highs and lows of tupperware friction and Woolworths home-wares in a spotted and striped abandon.
Boris the pinguin watches her flailing antics with suprise and a knowing gleam in his eye. He gazes out at proceedings atop Russell Brand's bird-nest hair and considers his 412 ways.
Is this one of His methods?
Is this part of His plan?
Does Cow miss her at ALL?
Peppermint tea slices through the cuckoo's mossy teeth, and, combined with the aftertaste of acidic pasta, reminds her of the lonley days of yore.
But the fullness of time has achieved nothing if it has not proved that things can change.