Thursday, 21 December 2006


I suppose it's about time I got back in the blogging game. There seems to be too many, and yet too few things about which to blog. Here are my options...
  1. A drivelsome diary-style entry about the neurotic waning of my mind during past months
  2. A factual account of things during past months
  3. A completion of part one of my over-hyped autumnal entry, dated on my birthday (this seems rather inappropriate what with winter and Christmas freezing themselves silly outside)
  4. A completion of the Pumpkin Witch saga, that was left somewhat hanging in the air
  5. More mindless drivelling which is unfathomable even to myself
  6. Slagging off of co-workers in an amusing style, but would indicate my downright unpleasant nature (although this has not been very well disguised of late. It's like pus seeping through the pores of my being, which must escape lest it poison me. Much safer to vent it and let it poison other people)
  7. Something else
It would seem from that list, that option no. 6 seems to have riled me up the most, so maybe I should go for that. But I have a suspicion that all that poisoned mind talk may actually relate to option no. 1. It could all go horribly wrong, and instead of viciously attacking certain individuals, I'll end up turning the knife upon myself and spilling out my inner-most workings on the web. Or perhaps the seeping pus imagery would send me off along option no.5. The inane warpings of a crazed harpie. Or, how they really read, the pretentious twaddle of a college drop-out with self-delusions of originality! As it happens, I have chosen option no.7, and have been waffling about something else. So I call to you, my avid and unforgotten readers, to help me out. Random, one-word suggestions will be considered as possible future topics, so I can re-learn how to stretch my warbling wings.